Visual test (VT)

Visual inspection is the primary method of non-destructive testing. In the field of welded constructions it is generally considered a very economical method since it normally only requires the use of the eye or simple accessories such as lamps or lenses, to perform it; in other sectors, some techniques may require very expensive equipment and highly qualified personnel.
Sometimes it is underestimated as a non-destructive control by some manufacturer, but in reality, if applied correctly in all phases of a new construction, can detect many defects or discontinuities that can be immediately removed with minimal costs instead of much higher costs that could occur to detect the same defects with other CNDs (and related repairs), in a too advanced construction phase.

About 90% of the inspections we perform are referred to the visual-dimensional inspection of welds of any type, size or material.

Visual inspection according to the main international regulations requires that the operator is qualified and certified.

Our staff is certified according to ISO 9712 and SNT-TC-1A liv. 2 and 3

The main applications of our competence are:

  • Direct control
    During the welding phases of various structures or components (welding bevels, first passes, finished weldings, we use portable lamps, welding gauges, profilometers, mirrors.
  • Remote control
    Any inspection that can be performed by:
    (a) Videoendoscope (GE XL-Go)
    Inspection cable diameter 6.1 mm – Length 3 meters – Mobile camera head with adjustable joystick for direct forward direction or variable up to 160 °.
    Optics for near field vision from 5 mm to 120 mm or in the range from 50 mm to infinity.
    Possibility of providing photographic images or video recordings of the inspection.
    (b) Fiber optic endoscope (Light Scope series MSGS-1350-III)
    Inspection cable diameter 8 mm – 1,350 mm long – Direction of direct forward or lateral view at 90 °.
    This tool does not allow you to provide photographic images or video recordings of the inspection.